
Ricardo García

Ricardo García Herrera

Education: Ph.D. in Physical Science, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1982.

Current position: Professor, Dpto. Fisica de la Tierra, Astronomía y Astrofísica II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

e-mail: rgarciah@fis.ucm.es

Scientific Interest: Climatology, Paleoclimatology, Meteorology, Climate variability, middle atmosphere dynamics.

Work Experience

  1. President of the Spanish Agency of Meteorology (AEMET). February 2010-February 2012

  2. Professor, Universidad Complutense, 1995—present. Teaching Statistics and Dynamic meteorology at the undergraduate level; Global Change and paleoclimatic techniques at the graduate level

  3. Public Health Director, Regional Ministry of Health of the Basque Country, 1987-1991. Main duties: Strategic planning, evaluation and follow-up of programs and budgets. Relationships with the public, the media and other administrative branches.

  4. Environmental Health Officer, Public Health Institute of Navarra, 1986-1987. Head of the Radioprotection Unit. Main duty: inspection of radiactive sites.

  5. Environmental Health Officer, Regional Ministry of Health of Castilla y León, 1985-1986. Head of the Health Protection Service (Environmental Health and Food Hygiene): Main duty: planning and evaluating.

  6. Assistant professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1980-1985. Taught Dynamic  Meteorology at the undergraduate level.

Publications: Papers peer-review (SCI)


  1. Kirchner-Bossi N., Prieto L., García-Herrera R., Carro-Calvo L., Salcedo-Sanz S. (2013): Multi-decadal variability in a centennial reconstruction of daily wind. Applied Energy DOI:10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.11.072.

  2. 2012

  3. Chiodo G., Calvo N., Marsh D.R., García-Herrera R. (2012): The 11-year solar cycle signal in transient WACCM3.5 simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D06109, doi:10.1029/2011JD016393.

  4. Domínguez-Castro F., Ribera P., García-Herrera R., Vaquero J.M., Barriendos M., Cuadrat J.M., Moreno J.M. (2012): Assessing extreme droughts in the Iberian Peninsula during 1750-1850 from rogation ceremonies. Climate of the Past, 8, 705-722.

  5. Domínguez-Castro F., Vaquero J.M., Marín M., Gallego M.C., García-Herrera R. (2012): How useful could be the Arabic documentary sources to reconstruct past climate?. Weather, 67, 76-82.

  6. 2011

  7. Barriopedro D., Fischer E.M., Luterbacher L., Trigo R.M., García-Herrera R. (2011): The hot summer of 2010: redrawing the temperature record map of Europe. Science, 332, 6026, 220-224, doi: 10.1126/science.1201224

  8. Carro-Calvo L., Salcedo-Sanz S., Kirchner-Bossi N., Portilla-Figueras A., Prieto L., García-Herrera R., Hernández E. (2011): Extraction of synoptic pressure patterns for long-term wind speed estimation in wind farms using evolutionary computing. Energy, 36, 1571-1581.

  9. Gallego M.C., Domínguez-Castro F., Vaquero J.M., García-Herrera R. (2011): The hidden role of women in monitoring nineteenth-century African weather: Instrumental observations in Equatorial Guinea. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 92, 315-324.

  10. Sousa P.M., Trigo R.M., Aizpurua P., Nieto R., Gimeno L., Garcia-Herrera R. (2011). Trends and extremes of drought indices throughout the 20th century in the Mediterranean. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 33-51.

  11. 2010

  12. Barriopedro D., García-Herrera R., Trigo R.M. (2010): Application of blocking diagnosis methods to General Circulation Models. Part I: a novel detection scheme. Climate Dynamics, 35, 7-8, 1373-1391, doi: 10.1007/s00382-010-0767-5.

  13. Barriopedro D., García-Herrera R., González-Rouco JF., Trigo R.M. (2010): Application of blocking diagnosis methods to General Circulation Models. Part II: model simulations. Climate Dynamics, 35, 7-8, 1393-1409, doi: 10.1007/s00382-010-0766-6.

  14. Barriopedro D., García-Herrera R., Lionello P., Pino C. (2010): A discussion of the links between solar variability and high-storm-surge events in Venice. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D13101, doi:10.1029/2009JD013114.

  15. Domínguez-Castro F., García-Herrera R., Ribera P., Barriendos, M. (2010): A shift in the spatial pattern of Iberian droughts during the 17th century. Climate of the Past 6, 1111-1137.

  16. García-Herrera R., Díaz J., Trigo R.M., Luterbacher J., Fischer E.M. (2010):A review of the European summer heat wave of 2003. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 40 (4), 267-306, doi: 10.1080/10643380802238137.

  17. Mock C.J., Chenoweth M., Altamirano I., Rodgers M.D., García-Herrera R. (2010): The great Louisiana Hurricane of August 1812. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91, 1653–1663.

  18. Wang L.; Chen W.; Zhou W.; Chan J.C.L.; Barriopedro D.; Huang R. (2010): Effect of the climate shift around mid 1970's on the relationship between wintertime Ural blocking circulation and East Asian climate. International Journal of Climatology, 30, 1, 153-158, doi: 10.1002/joc.1876.

  19. Wheeler D., García-Herrera R., Wilkinson C.W., Ward C. (2010): Atmospheric circulation and storminess derived from Royal Navy logbooks: 1685 to 1750. Climatic Change, 101, 257-280.

  20. 2009

  21. Calvo N., Giorgetta M.A., García-Herrera R., Manzini E. (2009): Correction on Non-linearity of the combined effect of El Nino and QBO effects on the Northern Hemisphere polar vortex in MAECHAM5 simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D20117.

  22. Calvo N., Giorgetta M.A., Garcia-Herrera R., Manzini E. (2009): Non-linearity of the combined warm ENSO and QBO effects on the Northern Hemisphere Polar Vortex in MAECHM5 simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D13109. doi:10.1029/2008JD011445.

  23. Küttel M., Xoplaki E., Gallego D., Luterbacher J., García-Herrera R., Allan R., Barriendos M., Jones P.D., Wheeler D., Wanner H. (2009): The importance of ship log data: reconstructing North Atlantic, European and Mediterranean sea level pressure fields back to 1750. Climate Dynamics, 34, 1115-1128.

  24. Patón D., García-Herrera R., Cuenca J., Galavis M., Roig F.A. (2009): Influence of climate on radial growth of Holm Oaks (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota Desf) from SW Spain. Geochronometria, 281, 49-56.

  25. Prieto M.R., García-Herrera R. (2009): Documentary sources from South America: potential for climate reconstruction. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 281, 196-209.

  26. Roig F.A.; Barriopedro D.; García-Herrera R.; Patón Dominguez D.; Monge S., (2009): North Atlantic Oscillation signatures in western Iberian tree-rings. Geografiska Annaler, 91 A, 2, 141-157, doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2009.00360.x  

  27. Salcedo-Sanz S., Portilla-Figueras J.A., Ortiz-Garcia E.G., Perez-Bellido A.M., García-Herrera R., Elorrieta J.I. (2009). Spatial regression analysis of NOx and O3 concentrations in Madrid urban area using Radial Basis Function networks. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 99, 79-90.

  28. Trigo R.M., Ramos A.M., Nogueira P.J., Santos F.D., García-Herrera R., Gouveia C., Santo F. (2009): Evaluating the impact of extreme temperature based indices in the 2003 heatwave excessive mortality in Portugal. Environmental Science and Policy, 12(7), 844-854.

  29. Trigo R.M., Vaquero J.M., Alcoforado M.J., Barriendos M., Taborda J., García-Herrera R., Luterbacher J. (2009): Iberia in 1816, the year without a summer. International Journal of Climatology, 29 ,99-115.

  30. Wheeler D., García-Herrera R., Vaquero J.M., Chenoweth M., Mock C. (2009): Reconstructing the trajectory of the August 1680 Hurricane from contemporary records. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90 (7), 971-978.

  31. Wheeler D., García-Herrera R., Wilkinson C., Ward C. (2009): Atmospheric circulation and storminess derived from Royal Navy logbooks: 1685 to 1750. Climatic Change, 101/1, 257 - 280.

  32. 2008

  33. Barriopedro D., García-Herrera R., Huth R. (2008): Solar modulation of Northern Hemisphere winter blocking. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D14, D14118, doi:10.1029/2008JD009789.

  34. Bojariu R., García-Herrera R., Gimeno L., Zhang, Oliver W. (2008): Cryosphere-Atmosphere interaction related to variability and change of the Northern Annual mode. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1146, 50-59.

  35. Calvo N., García-Herrera R., García R. (2008): The ENSO signal in the Stratosphere. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1146, 16-31

  36. García-Herrera R., Díaz H.F., García R.R., Prieto M.R., Barriopedro D., Moyano R., Hernández, E. (2008): A chronology of El Niño events from primary documentary sources in Northern Peru. Journal of Climate, 21, 9, 1948-1962, doi: 10.1175/2007JCLI1830.1.

  37. Peña-Ortiz C., García-Herrera R., Ribera P., Calvo N. (2008): Asymmetries on the QBO Signature on the Mid to High latitudes Circulation of the Stratosphere. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1146, 32-49.

  38. Peña-Ortiz C., Ribera P., García-Herrera R., Giorgetta M.A., García R. (2008): Forcing mechanism for the seasonal asymmetries of the secondary circulation of the QBO in ERA-40 and MAECHAM5. Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 113, D16103, doi:10.1029/2007JD009288

  39. Ribera P., García-Herrera R., Gimeno L. (2008): Historical deadly typhoons in the Philippines. Weather, 63(7), 194-199.

  40. Trigo R.M., Valente M.A., Trigo I.F., Miranda P., Ramos A.M., Paredes D., Garcia-Herrera R. (2008): North Atlantic wind and cyclone trends and their impact in the European precipitation and Atlantic significant wave height. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1146, 212-234.

  41. Vaquero J.M, García-Herrera R., Wheeler D., Chenoweth M., Mock C. (2008) : A historical analogue of  2005 hurricane Vince. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89, 191-201, doi:10.1175/BAMS-89-2-191

  42. Wheeler D., García-Herrera R. (2008): Ship´s logbooks in climatological research: reflections and prospects. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1146, 1-15.

  43. 2007

  44. Chenoweth M., Vaquero J.M., García-Herrera R., Wheeler D. (2007): A Pioneer in Tropical Meteorology: William Sharpe's Barbados Weather Journal, Apr-Aug. 1680. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88, 1957-1964. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-88-12-1957

  45. Delgado G., Redaño A., Lorente J., Nieto R., Gimeno L., Ribera P., Barriopedro D., García-Herrera R., Serrano A., (2007): Cloud Cover Analysis Associated to Cut-off Low Pressure Systems using Meteosat Imagery. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 96, 1-2, 141-157, doi: 10.1007/s00703-006-0225-4.

  46. Gallego D., García-Herrera R., Calvo N., Ribera P. (2007): A new meteorological record for Cadiz (Spain) 1806-1854. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D12108, doi: 10.1029/2007JD008517

  47. Gallego D., García-Herrera R., Prieto M.R., Peña-Ortíz C. (2007): On the quality of climate proxies derived from newspaper reports – a case study. Climate of the Past, 4, 11-18.

  48. García-Herrera R., Gimeno L., Ribera P., Hernández E., González E., Fernández G. (2007): Identification of Caribbean basin hurricanes from Spanish documentary sources. Climatic Change, 88, 55-85, doi: 10.1007/s10584-006-9124-4.

  49. García-Herrera R., Luterbacher J., Lionello P., González-Rouco F., Ribera P., Rodó X., Kull C., Zerefos C. (2007): Reconstruction of past Mediterranean climate. EOS, 88-9, 111.

  50. García-Herrera R., Paredes D., Trigo R.M., Trigo I.F., Hernández E., Barriopedro D., Mendes M.A (2007): The outstanding 2004-2005 drought in the Iberian Peninsula: Impacts and atmospheric circulation associated. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8, 3, 483-498, doi: 10.1175/JHM578.1

  51. García-Herrera R., Ribera P., Gimeno L., Hernández E. (2007): Northwest Pacific Typhoons Documented by the Philippine Jesuits, 1566-1900. Journal Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 112, D06108 1-12. doi:10.1029/2006JD007370

  52. Gimeno L., de la Torre L., Nieto R., Gallego D., Ribera P., García-Herrera R. (2007): A new diagnostic of stratospheric polar vortices. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 69, 1797-1812.

  53. Nieto R., Gimeno L., De la Torre L., Ribera P., Barriopedro D., García-Herrera R., Serrano A., Gordillo A., Redaño A., Lorente J. (2007): Interannual variability of cut-off low systems over the European sector: the role of blocking and the northern hemisphere circulation modes. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 96, 1-2, 85-101, doi: 10.1007/s00703-006-0222-7.

  54. 2006

  55. Barriopedro D., García-Herrera R., Hernández E. (2006): The role of snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere winter to summer transition.. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, 14, L14708, doi: 10.1029/2006GL025763.

  56. Barriopedro D., García-Herrera R., Lupo A.R., Hernández E. (2006): A Climatology of Northern Hemisphere Blocking. Journal of Climate, 19, 6, 1042-1063, doi: 10.1175/JCLI3678.1

  57. Correoso J.F., Hernández E., García-Herrera R., Barriopedro D., Paredes D. (2006): A 3-year study of cloud-to-ground lightning flash characteristics of Mesoscale convective systems over the Western Mediterranean Sea. Atmospheric Research, 79, 2, 89-107, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2005.05.002

  58. García-Herrera R. (2006): Unexplored documentary sources to assess climate variability in the Mediterranean sea. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, 29/1, 41 - 44.

  59. García-Herrera R., Barriopedro D. (2006): Northern Hemisphere snow cover and atmospheric blocking variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D21, D21104, doi: 10.1029/2005JD006975

  60. García-Herrera R., Calvo N., García R.R., Giorgetta M.A. (2006): Propagation of ENSO temperature signals into the middle atmosphere: a comparison of two general circulation models and ERA-40 reanalysis data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D06101, doi: 10.1029/2005JD006061.

  61. Paredes D., Trigo R.M., García-Herrera R., Trigo I., Valente M.A. (2006): Understanding precipitation changes in Iberia in early spring: weather typing and storm-tracking approaches. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 7/1 ,101 - 113.

  62. Trigo R., García-Herrera R., Paredes D. (2006): The Extreme Iberian Drought of 2005/05. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 87, 84 - 84.

  63. 2005

  64. Díaz J., García-Herrera R., Trigo R., Linares C., Valente M.A., Hernández E. (2005): The impact of summer 2003 heat wave in Iberia: How should we measure it?. International Journal of Biometeorology, 49, 179 - 183.

  65. Díaz J., Linares C., García-Herrera, R., López C., Tobias A. (2005): Mortality impact of extreme winter temperatures.International Journal of Biometeorology, 49, 179 - 183.

  66. Gallego D., García-Herrera R., Ribera P., Jones P.D. (2005): Seasonal mean pressure reconstruction for the North Atlantic (1750-1850) based on early marine data. Climate of the Past, 1, 19 - 33.

  67. García-Herrera R., Barriopedro D., Hernández E., Paredes D., Correoso F.J., Prieto L. (2005): The 2001 Mesoscale Convective systems over Iberia and the Balearic Islands. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 90, 3-4, 225-243, doi: 10.1007/s00703-005-0114-2

  68. García-Herrera, R., Díaz J., Trigo R.M., Hernández E. (2005): Extreme summer temperatures in Iberia: health impacts and associated synoptic conditions. Annales Geophysicae, 23, 239 - 251.

  69. García-Herrera R., Gimeno L., Ribera P., Hernández E. (2005): New records of Atlantic hurricanes from Spanish documentary sources. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, 1 - 7.

  70. García-Herrera R., Hernández E., Paredes D., Barriopedro D., Correoso F.J., Prieto L. (2005): A MASCOTTE-based characterization of MCSs over Spain, 2000-2002. Atmospheric Research, 73, 3-4, 261-282, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2004.11.003.

  71. García-Herrera R., Können G., Wheeler D., Prieto M.R., Jones P., Koek F. (2005): A climatological database for the world's oceans 1750-1854. Climatic Change, 73, 1 - 12.

  72. García-Herrera R., Wilkinson C., Koek F.B., Prieto M.R., Calvo N., Hernández E. (2005): Description and general background to ships' logbooks as a source of climatic data. Climatic Change, 73, 13 - 36.

  73. Hernández E., García-Herrera R., Gallego D., Ribera P., Gimeno L. (2005): A new look for the Southern Hemisphere jet stream. Climate Dynamics, 24, 607 - 621.

  74. Nieto R., Gimeno L., De la Torre L., Ribera P., Gallego D., García-Herrera R., García J.A., Nuñez M., Redaño A., Lorente J. (2005): Climatology of Cut-off Lows in the Northern Hemisphere. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,18, 1551 - 1552.

  75. Nieto R., Gimeno L., De la Torre L., Ribera P., Gallego D., García-Herrera R., García J., Nuñez M., Redaño A., Lorente J. (2005): Climatological Features of Cut-off Low Systems in the Northern Hemisphere. Journal of Climate.18/A , 3085 - 3108.

  76. Prieto M.R., Gallego D., García-Herrera R., Calvo N. (2005): Deriving wind force terms from nautical reports through content analysis. The Spanish and French cases. Climatic Change, 73, 37 - 75.

  77. Ribera P., García-Herrera R., Gimeno L., Hernández E. (2005): Typhoons in the Philippines, 1900-1934. Climate Research, 29, 85 - 90

  78. Tesouro M., Gimeno L., Nieto R., de la Torre L., Ribera P., Gallego D., García-Herrera R., Hernández E. (2005): Interannual variability of the annual cycle of temperature over northern Africa. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 49, 141 - 151.

  79. Trigo R.M., García-Herrera R., Díaz J., Trigo I.F., Valente M.A. (2005): How exceptional was the early August 2003 heatwave in France?. Geophysical Research Letteres, 32, 1 - 4.

  80. Wheeler D., García-Herrera R., Koek F., Wilkinson C., Können G., Prieto M.R., Jones P., Casale R. (2005): CLIWOC: A Climatological Database for the World's Oceans 1750-1850 .Climatic Change, 73, 1 - 12.

  81. 2004

  82. Díaz J., García-Herrera R., Lopez C., Linares C., Tobías A., Prieto L. (2004): Mortality impact of extreme winter temperatures. Journal of Biometeorology, 49, 179 - 183.

  83. Díaz J., Linares C., García-Herrera R., López C., Trigo R. (2004): Impact of temperatura and air pollution on Children mortality in Madrid. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 46, 768 -774.

  84. García-Herrera R., Calvo N., Hernández E., Gallego D., Gimeno L., Ribera P. (2004): Analysis of the ENSO signal in tropospheric and stratospheric temperatures observed by MSU, 1979-2000. Journal of Climate, 17, 3934 - 3946.

  85. Prieto L., García-Herrera R., Díaz J., Hernández E., del Teso M.T. (2004): Minimum extreme temperatures over peninsular spain. Global and Planetary Change, 44, 59 - 71.

  86. Prieto R., García-Herrera R., Hernández E. (2004): Early records of Icebergs in the Southern Ocean from Spanish Documentary Sources. Climatic Change, 66, 29 - 48.

  87. Ribera P., Gimeno L., Pérez J.F., García-Herrera R., Hernández E., Gallego D. (2004):The use of equivalent temperature to diagnose climate change. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 48/2, 459 - 468.

  88. Ribera P., Gimeno L., Gallego D., García-Herrera R., Hernández E., De la Torre L., Calvo N. (2004): Two approaches for determining extreme years of global atmospheric temperature. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 48/2, 447 - 458.

  89. Ribera P., Peña-Ortiz C., García-Herrera R., Gallego D., Hernández E., Gimeno L. (2004): Detection of the secondary meridian circulation associated with the QBO. Geophysical Research Letteres, 109, 1 - 8.

  90. 2003

  91. De la Torre L., Gimeno L., Ribera P., Gallego D., García-Herrera R.,Hernández E. (2003): Interannual variability of relative angular momentum in the northern hemisphere and its relationship with the north atlantic oscillation and the arctic oscillation. Atmósfera, 149 - 156.

  92. García-Herrera R., Gallego D., Hernández E., Gimeno L., Ribera P., Calvo N. (2003): Precipitation trends in the Canary Islands. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 23, 235 - 241.

  93. García-Herrera R., Garcia R., Prieto M.R., Hernández E., Gimeno L., Diaz H.F. (2003): The use of Spanish historical archives to reconstruct climate variability. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 84/8, 1025 - 1035.

  94. García-Herrera R., Hernández E., Muñoz T., Ribera P., Gimeno L. (2003): Temperature predictability in the Greater Mediterranean area. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 75/3-4, 179 - 187.

  95. García-Herrera R., Macías A., Gallego D., Ribera P., Gimeno L., Hernández E. (2003): Reconstruction of the precipitation in the Canary Islands for the period 1595-1836. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1037 - 1039.

  96. Gimeno L., De la Torre L., Nieto R., García-Herrera R., Hernández E., Ribera P. (2003): Changes in the relationship NAO-Northern Hemisphere Temperature due to solar activity. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 206 (1-2), 15 - 20.

  97. Gimeno L., Vidal O., Nieto R., de la Torre L., García-Herrera R., Hernández E., Bojariu R., Ribera P., Gallego D. (2003): Impact of the extratropical dynamical modes upon troposphere temperature using approach based on advection of temperature. International Journal of Climatology, 23, 399 - 404.

  98. Prieto L., Díaz J., García-Herrera R.,Hernández E., del Teso M.T. (2003): NAO influence on extreme winter temperatures in Madrid. Annales Geophysicae, 20, 2077 - 2085.

  99. Ribera R., Gallego D., Peña-Ortiz C., Gimeno L., Garcia R., García-Herrera R., Hernández E., Calvo N. (2003): The Stratospheric QBO signal in the NCEP reanalysis, 1958-2001. Geophysical Research Letters, 30/13, 1691 - 1694.

  100. 2002

  101. de la Torre L., Gimeno L., Ribera P., Gallego G., García-Herrera R., Hernández E. (2002): The use of relative angular momentum to diagnose the Arctic Oscillation. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 197, 215 - 223.

  102. Díaz J., García-Herrera R., Velázquez F., López C., Otero A., Hernández E., (2002): Effects of Extremely Hot Days on People Older than 65 in Seville (Spain) from 1986 to 1997. International Journal of Biometeorology, 46, 145 - 149

  103. Díaz J., López C., Alberdi J.C., Jordán A., García-Herrera R., Hernández E., Otero A. (2002): Heat waves in Madrid, 1986-1997; effects on the health of the elderly. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 75, 163 - 170.

  104. García-Herrera R., Prieto L., Díaz J., Hernández E., del Teso M.T. (2002): Synoptic conditions leading to Extremely Hot temperatures in Madrid. Annales Geophysicae, 20, 237 - 245.

  105. Gimeno L., Nieto R., Ribera P., Pérez J.F., Vidal O., De la Torre L., Gallego D., García-Herrera R., Hernández E. (2002): Imprints of the North Atlantic Oscillation on four non-usual atmospheric parameters. Earth and Planetary

  106. Gimeno L., Ribera P., Iglesias R., García-Herrera R., Hernández E. (2002): Empirical influences of ENSO and the North Atlantic Oscillation on Agriculture in Spain. Climate Research.

  107. Prieto L., García-Herrera R., Díaz J., Hernández E., del Teso M.T. (2002): NAO influence on extreme winter temperatures in Madrid. Annales Geophysicae, 20, 2077 -2085.

  108. 2001

  109. García-Herrera R., Gallego D., Hernández E., Gimeno L., Ribera P. (2001): An ENSO signal in the subtropical North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letteres, 28, 15, 2939 -2942.

  110. García-Herrera R., Gallego D., Gimeno L., Hernández E., Ribera P. (2001): Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the precipitation in the Canary islands. Journal of Climate, 14, 3889 - 3993.

  111. García R., García-Herrera R., Hernández E., Diaz H., Eischeid J., Prieto M.R., Gimeno L., Rubio F., Bascary A. (2001): Atmospheric Circulation Changes in the Tropical Pacific Inferred from the Voyages of the Manila Galleons in the Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82, 2435 - 2455.

  112. Gimeno L., García-Herrera R., Pacheco J.M., Hernández E., Ribera P. (2001): Predictability of global surface temperature by means of nonlinear analysis. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 184, 561 - 564.

  113. Prieto M.R., Gimeno L., García R.R., Hernández E., García-Herrera R., Dussel P., Ribera P. (2001): Looking for periodicities in the hail intensity in the Andes Region, Atmósfera, 14, 87 - 93.

  114. Prieto M.R., Gimeno L., García-Herrera R., Doussel P., Hernández E., Ribera P. (2001): Interannual oscillations and trend in the snow occurrence in the Andes region since 1885. Australian Meteorological Magazine, 50, 2, 164 - 168.

  115. 2000

  116. García-Herrera R., Cisneros J., Hernández E., Manzano J., Díaz J. (2000): Time modeling of daily UVB values in Madrid. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 39, 117 - 123.

  117. García-Herrera R., Gimeno L., Hernández E., Ribera P., Prieto R. (2000): Reconstructing the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries from historical sources. Climate Research, 14, 147 - 151.

  118. García-Herrera R., Ribera P., Gimeno L., Hernández E. (2000): Are the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Southern Oscillation related in any time scale?. Annales Geophysicae, 18, 247 -251.

  119. Ribera P., García-Herrera R., Díaz H., Gimeno L., Hernández E. (2000): Trend and interannual oscillations in the main sea-level surface pressure patterns over the Mediterranean, 1955-1990. Geophysical Research Letteres, 27, 1143 - 1146.

  120. Other Appointments

  121. Member of the Steering Committee of the ESF MEDCLIVAR.

  122. Member of the Steering Committee of the Spanish CLIVAR.

  123. Member of the editorial board of  Foxwell & Davies

  124. Member of the editorial board of Advances in Global Change Research (Springer)

  125. Coordinator of the Network RECLIDO.

  126. Convener of the CLI 23 sesion: Proxy, documentary and early instrumental marine climatic data. EGU 1st General Assembly, Niza, 25-30 Abril 2004.

  127. Guest Editor issue 73 Climatic Change. The CLIWOC Project.

  128. Evaluator of the National Science Council report ‘Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the past 2000 years’. Junio 2006

  129. Co-director of  Master en Geofísica y Meteorología del Programa Oficial de Postgrado de Física de la UCM, 2006-10